NEXPLANON Insertions Locally in Fort McMurray

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NEXPLANON is a type of contraception that works through a small implant in the arm. It’s major benefit is that it works just as well as the pill, but without you needing to remember to take a daily pill. The small and flexible implant is placed just under the skin in the back of the inner arm by Dr. Crisp. There it stays until you are ready to have it removed. No one can see it. No one will know about it unless you tell them.

Benefits are:

  • Efficacy — it works reliably without worry.
  • Longevity — three years hassle free.
  • Reversibility — take it out as soon as you’re ready.

NEXPLANON works by releasing hormones that prevent ovulation — eggs being released from the ovaries. It also prevents sperm from reaching the egg and subtly changes the lining of your uterus making pregnancy extremely unlikely while it’s in place.

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Can I use it while I'm breast feeding?

Can I use it while I'm breast feeding?

If you’re breastfeeding your child, you may use NEXPLANON if 4 weeks have passed since you had your baby. A small amount of the hormone contained in NEXPLANON passes into your breast milk. The health of breastfed children whose mothers were using the implant has been studied up to 3 years of age in a small number of children. No effects on the growth and development of the children were seen. If you’re breastfeeding and want to use NEXPLANON, talk with your healthcare provider for more information.

How soon can I make an appointment?

How soon can I make an appointment?

NEXPLANON services at the Community Care Clinic are provided two weeks per month. Unless there is a contraindication to the placement of the IUD, you should be able to have the necessary visit(s) and procedure within 1 to 2 weeks.

How does it work?

How does it work?

NEXPLANON is a hormone-releasing birth control implant for use by women to prevent pregnancy for up to 3 years.

NEXPLANON prevents pregnancy in several ways. The most important way is by stopping the release of an egg from your ovary. NEXPLANON also thickens the mucus in your cervix and this change may keep sperm from reaching the egg. NEXPLANON also changes the lining of your uterus.

How much does it cost?

How much does it cost?

The NEXPLANON device costs $300 – 350 and is purchased from any pharmacy. You will need a prescription.

There is no insertion fee when you return to the clinic to have it inserted.

Is there Estrogen in NEXPLANON?

Is there Estrogen in NEXPLANON?

No. NEXPLANON does not contain estrogen.

Will my insurance cover it?

Will my insurance cover it?

Maybe. Talk with your specific insurance provider.

Insertions & Removals

The NEXPLANON is a subdermal implant that fits just below the skin in the fatty tissue. It is deep enough to be invisible but superficial enough that insertion and removal are simple, same day, in office procedures. After the area is cleaned and frozen, a small cut is made and the NEXPLANON either inserted or removed.

“NEXPLANON is placed discreetly just under the skin of your non-dominant upper arm by a trained healthcare provider.”

“Removal of NEXPLANON involves a minor surgical procedure by your healthcare provider and can be performed in the office through a small incision in your arm where NEXPLANON is located.”

CLICK to learn how it’s inserted and watch a video: Official website.

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